

Decoset Properties: Water Decomin Decoset (Made in Turkey) Liquid material is based on acrylic emulsion. Ultraviolet light creates a flexible, vapor-permeable, heat-resistant, waterproof surface with high adhesion strength. It can be used on all kinds of surfaces. Applied on roofs of mineral surfaces (concrete, slate, etc.), bitumen roof coverings, terraces, window cornice, moldings, pools, reservoirs, galvanized iron and metal pipes, drain galvanizing or PVC, wooden and iron surfaces of ships to protect the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the building. Available in. 0,75-1 kg / m² for horizontal surfaces 1-1,5 kg, average consumption for vertical surfaces. / Square Meter Apply 2-3 coats with a brush or roller. For a primer applied on mineral surfaces diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, with strong absorption, the next layer is applied without water. Waterproofing is the last sand layer insulation material to cover tiles or mineral plaster. After 20 / C and 48 hours at 65% relative humidity at 24 hours, mechanical resistance at drying time. At temperatures below +5 / S. Applied +5 at storage temperatures below 2 ° C / 2 years.